1. Click the Register button to navigate to the account registration page.
2. Fill out the registration form (don't forget to check your email to activate your account!)
3. Welcome! and congratulations on creating your BŪP Account! Your dashboard is where you will go to find all of your BŪP Pages!
4. Now let's go ahead and take the dropdown menu and click (or tap) on "Account".
5. Please note that as of right now, you are currently on our "FREE" plan. If this is what you want, then you are finished this with section of the tutorial. If you would like to go ahead and upgrade to one of our more feature-rich plans, then please click "Upgrade Plan" as seen circled in black.
6. There are (4) options to choose from as seen in the image below. For those individuals that are only looking for a single BŪP Page, then our BŪP+ plan is the one for you! Think of it as a single-page website. For those individuals who would like to categorize their work into multiple projects, then BŪP Biz is our most popular choice!
7. On behalf of everyone at BŪP, thank you for placing your trust in us as you continue to share yourself and all that you are proud of with the rest of the world!